HG Abogados

Terms and Conditions of Website Use (https://hg-abogados.com/)

El presente documento (en adelante “El Contrato”), rige las condiciones de uso y contratación que pone a disposición la sociedad HERNANDEZ & GODINEZ, S.C. (en adelante “La Firma”) a favor del usuario (en adelante “Usted”, “Usuario”, “Cliente”), el cual, acepta su alcance y contenido en todo momento mientras acceda y/o se encuentre en uso del sitio web www.hg-abogados.com (hereinafter referred to as "The Website"), as well as the social media platforms of the "Firm" detailed below.

The Agreement is drafted and is applicable solely to Users residing or domiciled in the Mexican Republic; otherwise, that is, Users residing or domiciled in another country, using and accessing the Website will be at their own risk and responsibility. The Firm will not be prejudiced by any violation of applicable legislation in their territory.


  • Acceptance: By accessing, using, or making use of the Website (as well as the social media of The Firm), the User tacitly accepts the legal scope and content of this Agreement. Otherwise, they will not be able to use and avail of the services, offers, promotions, content, and other possible benefits offered by The Firm. This negative declaration can be made by You at any time by using the notification means referred to in subsequent clauses.


  • User's Capacity: The User must have the legal capacity to enjoy and exercise according to applicable federal legislation. Otherwise, this Agreement will not have any legal or patrimonial effects in their legal sphere. Any person lacking these faculties, as well as minors, shall not use or access the Website or The Firm's social media platforms.


  • Intellectual Property Rights: The Firm is the legitimate owner of the HGAbogados® (hereinafter referred to as "The Brand"). Therefore, all material or immaterial content that is created or represented with this visible sign, including but not limited to digital or non-digital content such as photographs, audios, and illustrations, whether or not they are part of marketing strategies, advertising campaigns, above-the-line media, and other services, and are communicated through any platform appreciable by the senses (auditory, visual, etc.), and/or any other industrial or authorial property rights, shall be considered the property of The Firm. Except as stipulated in the following clause, You may not use, dispose of, modify, alter, disseminate, and/or alienate this content without prior authorization and license granted by a legitimate legal representative of The Firm. Otherwise, You may incur the penalties stipulated by the current civil and/or criminal legislation.


  • Limited License: You may download and/or use the content referred to in the previous clause, whether or not it bears The Brand's visible sign, solely for personal and non-commercial use, i.e., as a reference in case you seek to hire The Firm's services. You agree not to alter or modify this content, much less alienate it to third parties. The content referred to in this clause can be accessed through the Website or The Firm's social media. The User is obligated to keep this material for 30 natural days, and after this period, they commit to deleting it under penalty of falling within the corresponding legal hypotheses.


  • Personal Data: The Firm makes available through its Website, and in accordance with the Federal Law on Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as its Regulation, the Comprehensive Privacy Notice that regulates the collection, purpose, use, processing, and transfer of your personal data. Any issues arising from this topic should be consulted by the User in the referenced document.


  • Contracting of Services through Digital Media: If the User intends to contract the services offered by The Firm through its Website or social media, they must comply with the policies and conditions that The Firm establishes as requirements for the provision of its services. These may include, among other things, entering into a service provision agreement, signing a service proposal, receiving legal documentation, providing customer identity information, etc. If the User fails to comply with these conditions, The Firm reserves the right to withhold its services without prejudice.


In this regard, and in the event that The Firm does not make any documents available to you or conclude any agreement for the provision of its services, the terms and conditions will be governed by both the service offer announcement that corresponds and the commercial uses and customs in the territory where the contracts are entered into. This Agreement will apply as a supplementary will regarding any matters not covered by the other information.


  • ConfidentialityThe Firm undertakes not to disclose your confidential information (understood as personal, financial, commercial, etc. information that may cause imminent harm or damage to you) to third parties, except in the two sole exceptions where such disclosure is necessary to achieve the objective of providing a service on your behalf or when required by a competent authority. In such cases, the User will be notified in advance without requiring authorization.


  • Social MediaAs for the content on The Firm's social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, among others), it will be treated in the same manner as the Website. This means that it is The Firm's property and encompasses its entirety. Therefore, with regard to the intellectual property of social media, You must adhere to the provisions in clauses three and four of this Agreement.


  • External Links and Brands Policy: The Firm may use hyperlinks to other websites, as well as trademarks that do not belong to it, with the aim of providing better service or user experience. Consequently, The Firm is not responsible for any misuse by the User regarding such information or any alteration, modification, or change that the content from these sources may undergo.


  • Notifications: The Firm designates the following email as its primary means of notification: administracion@hg-abogados.comThe secondary means is the following address: Eca Do Queiros 5113, interior 1, colonia Jardines Universidad, Zapopan, Jalisco. Office hours are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.


  • Applicable Jurisdiction: The Firm reserves the right to initiate civil or criminal actions against the User as it deems necessary due to the misuse of the Website or the breach of the Agreement. In case of a dispute, The Firm designates the competent courts of the First Judicial District of the State of Jalisco, with jurisdiction in the city of Zapopan, Jalisco, as the applicable jurisdiction. Both parties hereby waive any other present or future jurisdiction based on your domicile.



“Hernández & Godinez, S.C.”
