HG Abogados

Lic. Miguel Ángel Avelar Ruiz

Lawyer of the Civil and Commercial Law Area at HG Abogados.


Law degree from the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CUCSH) of the Universidad de Guadalajara.

Graduated from high school number 10, Bachillerato General por Competencias, UdeG.


Professional practice:

Attorney at Law at Corporativo Santana y Asociados S.C.

Attorney at Law at Dorantes O'Loughlin y asociados S.C.

Attorney at Law at Soporte Jurídico S.C.

Lawyer at Fondeo Directo S.A. de C.V. (Finware)

Attorney at law at Hernández, Godínez & Martínez Abogados.
